Finding the WELL ATHLETE in you

Supporting the active WELL ATHLETE begins with the patience to pause. The patience to be still and connect with the details of how you move.

What is stopping you from being the active person you want to be? 
What is preventing you from meeting your goals? 
How do you want to feel when you move?

As we connect with the missing pieces, we find stability, strength, confidence, power, and performance gains. When we work with our body not against it, we find ease, efficiency and simplicity.
We start to trust our body again. 
We start to move with ease.

Kim Fraser is the owner of Still Physio in Saskatoon. Kim's passion for women's health and sport performance is what drives her to help her clients navigate, heal and listen to their body during all phases of life. Her expertise and advocacy has her working with beginner to elite athletes of all ages creating education methods to redefine pelvic floor care and sports performance for the female athlete. 

Her passion and work towards improving women’s health in sport has facilitated a movement within the community empowering the female athlete to have an opinion, listen to her body, and find grace in her training.  

NOTE: All of the paid courses are available on the Web and Android. Apple has not yet approved the courses on the Apple Platform and therefore cannot be purchased on the app. Please go to your web browser to purchase the paid courses.